Bluegrass Mensa

Mensa Test Session
Bluegrass Mensa will hold a proctored Mensa Test Session in room 150
(downstairs) at Sullivan University, 2355 Harrodsburg Road, Lexington,
on Saturday morning, October 19, 2024. We will give the regular test
suite at this test session: the Wonderlic Personnel Test and the
Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test. Registration opens at 9:00am,
testing will begin at 10:00am sharp, and we will finish by noon.
The testing fee will be $30 (half price), which may be paid:
* By a check or money order made out to American Mensa, Ltd.
* In cash.
* By credit card.
* By a prepaid voucher from the National Office.
Candidates will need to bring a photo ID. You must be 14 years old or
older to take Mensa's tests. Children under 18 must have a Testing
Consent Form (available at the test session, or sent to you in advance)
signed by a parent or legal guardian. A photo ID or birth certificate
may be used as proof of age.
To get to Sullivan University, take New Circle Road to the southwest
side of Lexington. Head into town on Harrodsburg Road. Go about 0.9
mile, and Sullivan University will be on your left.
If interested, please contact our Proctor Coordinator, John Barnes, by
E-mail or by phone at (859)253-1178 by Friday
October 18, 2024. We may be able to handle a few walk-ins, but people
who have notified us in advance will have priority.