Bluegrass Mensa
(adopted July 20, 2005; effective February 8, 2006)
The name of this organization shall be Bluegrass Mensa.
Bluegrass Mensa is a local group of American Mensa, Ltd. (AML). Bluegrass Mensa is subject to:
The Constitution of Mensa.
The Bylaws of American Mensa, Ltd.
Resolutions adopted by the American Mensa Committee (AMC).
Membership in Bluegrass Mensa shall be open to all members of AML in good standing in the geographic areas assigned to Bluegrass Mensa by the AMC, or as otherwise assigned by AML.
All Bluegrass Mensa members in good standing are welcome to participate in the social activities of Bluegrass Mensa. Other Mensa members in good standing are welcome to participate in the social activities of Bluegrass Mensa at the discretion of the host or hostess. Mensa members who are not members of Bluegrass Mensa may not vote or hold office in Bluegrass Mensa, nor may they participate in Bluegrass Mensa's business activities, unless they are:
The National Ombudsman or his/her surrogate.
OR -
A member of the AMC in discharge of her/his official responsibilities.
OR -
Invited to participate by the Board of Governors.
Bluegrass Mensa shall observe the preferences of members for data suppression and publication, as filed with AML, when publishing a hardcopy or online:
Local group roster.
Membership directory/register.
The governing body of Bluegrass Mensa shall be the Board of Governors, consisting of:
An elected Local Secretary (LocSec, or President).
An elected Vice Local Secretary (Vice LocSec, or Vice President).
An elected Treasurer.
One-or-more elected At-Large Members (one per 50 members, or fraction thereof, of Bluegrass Mensa).
The LocSec shall be elected directly by the members of Bluegrass Mensa. At their first Board of Governors meeting after taking office, the members elected to the Board of Governors shall elect from among themselves the Vice LocSec and the Treasurer.
The Board of Governors shall be ultimately responsible for all activities of Bluegrass Mensa. The Board of Governors may delegate responsibility for specific activities, such as Regional Gatherings, to appointed officers or appointed committees.
A simple majority of the Board of Governors constitutes a quorum to transact Bluegrass Mensa business. Each member of the Board of Governors has one vote at Board of Governors meetings.
All members of the Board of Governors and all appointed officers shall be current members in good standing of both American Mensa, Ltd., and of Bluegrass Mensa.
The LocSec shall:
Serve as the chief executive officer of Bluegrass Mensa.
Provide liaison with other local groups and with AML in a timely fashion.
Notify AML and the Regional Vice Chairman (RVC) of the results of elections and other changes of officers within two weeks of the election/appointment/removal.
With the approval of the Board of Governors, appoint:
An Editor.
A Program Chairman.
A Recruitment Chairman.
One or more Mediators/Arbitrators.
Area Coordinators (optional).
Other Coordinators (optional) and special committees.
Be a signatory to any checking accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposit, or other funds of Bluegrass Mensa, so that these funds may be accessed in the absence of the Treasurer.
The Vice LocSec shall:
Assist the LocSec.
Preside over meetings in the absence of the LocSec.
Succeed to the office of LocSec if that office becomes vacant.
Be responsible for keeping minutes of Board of Governor meetings.
Perform an annual financial review of Bluegrass Mensa each July, which shall include viewing the original statements from banks and any other institutions holding funds of Bluegrass Mensa.
The Treasurer shall:
Be responsible for all financial matters of Bluegrass Mensa, including the finances of Bluegrass Mensa's newsletter.
Be a signatory to any checking accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposit, or other funds of Bluegrass Mensa.
Submit to the LocSec, or another designated member of the Board of Governors, the original statements from banks and any other institutions holding funds of Bluegrass Mensa, at least quarterly.
Submit to the Board of Governors a semi-annual financial report, which shall also be published in Bluegrass Mensa's newsletter, containing:
Schedules of income, expenses, and balances for all funds under the control of Bluegrass Mensa, including Regional Gathering (RG), scholarship, and other special funds.
A listing of all equipment owned by Bluegrass Mensa.
Help the Editor prepare and submit any required postal forms.
At-Large Members shall represent the entire membership of Bluegrass Mensa at Board of Governors meetings.
The Editor shall:
Be responsible for, and edit, Bluegrass Mensa's newsletter.
The Calendar of Events.
Notices of meetings and programs.
Required ballots.
Results of Board of Governors meetings and elections.
Amendments to the bylaws, with related discussions and ballots.
The semi-annual financial reports.
Any required Post Office forms (prepared with the help of the Treasurer).
The Program Chairman shall:
Be responsible for arranging Bluegrass Mensa activities.
Coordinate with, and advise the officers and Editor of these activities.
The Recruitment Chairman shall be responsible for publicity, public relations, and recruitment programs.
Mediators/Arbitrators shall pursue:
Local resolution of disputes within Bluegrass Mensa.
Resolution of disputes in other groups.
Area Coordinators help arrange activities for members of Bluegrass Mensa who live in outlying areas, and thus can not attend regular meetings/social activities of Bluegrass Mensa.
Other Coordinators help arrange other specific activities, as deemed necessary.
The normal term-of-office for members of the Board of Governors, and for all appointed officers, shall be two years. Terms-of-office begin on July 1st, and end on June 30th, of odd-numbered years.
All out-going officers and appointees shall turn over all files, office equipment, and materials pertaining to their office(s) to:
Their successor(s)
OR -
The current LocSec
OR -
Any member of the Board of Governors
within four weeks after leaving office.
Members of the Board of Governors may be removed from office by:
Unanimous vote of the other members of the Board of Governors.
OR -
Majority vote in a recall election.
A recall election may be called by a petition:
1. Citing the reason for such an action.
2. Signed by at least 10% of the members of Bluegrass Mensa, as listed on the most recent membership roster provided by AML.This petition must be presented at either a regular or a special meeting of Bluegrass Mensa, and the recall election must be held within 60 days thereafter. Ballots may be included in Bluegrass Mensa's newsletter, or mailed separately to all members of Bluegrass Mensa.
The Editor may be removed by:
A majority vote of the Board of Governors.
OR -
A petition signed by one-third of the members of the Bluegrass Mensa.
The outgoing Editor must turn over all files in good order to the incoming Editor, within 15 days of leaving this office.
All other appointed officers may be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Governors. A Mediator/Arbitrator may not be removed in the middle of a dispute.
The Board of Governors shall select replacements for any of its members who:
OR -
Are removed or recalled.
The Vice LocSec shall take over the office of LocSec, if that office is vacated.
A social activity must be held at least quarterly. Notices of social activities shall be published in the Bluegrass Mensa newsletter.
Regular Meetings of the Board of Governors must be held at least quarterly. Notices of these meetings, along with the proposed agenda, shall be published in the Bluegrass Mensa newsletter.
A Special Meeting of the Board of Governors may be called at any time by the:
OR -
A majority of the Board of Governors.
The date, time, place, and agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all members of the Board of Governors by E-mail, mail, phone, or in person at least one week before such a meeting. This meeting may act only on those items listed in the agenda.
A Special Meeting of the Board of Governors shall be called upon receipt of a petition signed by at least 10% of the members of Bluegrass Mensa, as listed on the most recent membership roster provided by AML. The date, time, place, and agenda of this meeting shall be announced in the Bluegrass Mensa newsletter or by direct mail to all members of Bluegrass Mensa. This meeting may act only on those items listed in the agenda.
The Board of Governors shall meet within one month after an election, for the changeover of officers.
All Board of Governors meetings of Bluegrass Mensa shall be held within the geographical limits of the group, as assigned by the AMC.
Local subgroups, or Special Interest Groups (SIG's) may be organized and affiliated with Bluegrass Mensa, but shall be self-governing. To affiliate, a group must: (1) designate a liaison officer, (2) have full membership limited to Mensans or their guests, and (3) be approved by the Board of Governors. Affiliated groups are entitled to listings in the Calendar of Events, and to space in the Bluegrass Mensa newsletter.
No member of the Nominating Committee, or the Election Committee, may be:
A current member of the Board of Governors.
A candidate for the Board of Governors in the upcoming election.
Members of the Nominating Committee may also serve on the Election Committee.
By February 15th of odd-numbered years, the Board of Governors shall appoint a three-member Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall nominate:
One-or-more candidates for LocSec.
At least as many candidates as there are remaining positions on the Board of Governors (Vice Loc Sec, Treasurer, and At-Large Members).
The Nominating Committee is encouraged to solicit voluntary candidates for these positions. The list of nominees shall be:
Published in the April issue of the Bluegrass Mensa newsletter.
OR -
Directly sent to all members of Bluegrass Mensa, postmarked no later than April 1st.
Additional nominations may be made by delivering a petition to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee by May 10th. These petitions must be signed by ten-or-more members of Bluegrass Mensa.
By May 1st, the Board of Governors shall appoint a three-member Election Committee. The Election Committee shall:
Determine, and cause to be published, any election rules and regulations not covered by these bylaws.
Conduct the election.
Receive and count the ballots.
Certify the results.
Ballots shall be:
Published in the June issue of the Bluegrass Mensa newsletter.
OR -
Directly sent to all members of Bluegrass Mensa, postmarked no later than June 1st.
To be counted, ballots must be returned to the Chairman of the Election Committee by June 20th. For the office of LocSec, the candidate who receives the most votes shall be elected. For other positions on the Board of Governors, the candidates who receive the most votes shall be elected. In case of a tie for the last position, the Chairman of the Election Committee shall flip a coin to choose the winner.
The Chairman of the Election Committee shall:
Certify the election results to the LocSec.
Have the election results published in the next Bluegrass Mensa newsletter.
The outgoing LocSec shall notify AML of the results of the election.
The deadline for challenges to an election shall be one month after the results have been announced in the Bluegrass Mensa newsletter. Any actions by the Board of Governors between the election and the resolution of a challenge shall not be affected by the outcome of the challenge.
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed:
By the Board of Governors.
OR -
By a petition signed by at least 10% of the members of Bluegrass Mensa, as listed on the most recent membership roster provided by AML.
Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the AMC for its approval. Upon receiving AMC approval, these proposed amendments shall be published in the next Bluegrass Mensa newsletter. A mail ballot shall be published in the following issue of the Bluegrass Mensa newsletter. The deadline for returning the ballots shall be at least 90 days after initial publication of the proposed amendments. To become effective, an amendment must:
Be approved by the AMC.
Receive a majority of affirmative votes from the members of Bluegrass Mensa.
Be filed with AML's Bylaws Committee to receive an effective date.
Any changes to the AMC-published Minimum Standard Bylaws Requirements shall be incorporated into these Bylaws of Bluegrass Mensa without further vote of the group.
American Mensa, Ltd. (AML) has granted a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to Bluegrass Mensa for the use of the mark "Mensa" and a logo, consisting of a globe over a stylized "M" within a border, in connection with the non-commercial uses of Bluegrass Mensa. AML retains full ownership of the mark and logo and all statutory and common law rights in the mark and logo.